Monday 8 November 2010

Final Draft


A box full of personal belongings, paperwork and overdue bills lies on the floor. Two hands covered in scratches and cuts, start to dig through the items in the box. The fingers pick up an old photo album covered in dust. The album opens to a picture of a woman in her 40s. She appears in several more of the photos, and is pictured with two children. The page turns and it’s the same picture but the people are older. Below is a photograph of the woman sitting up in bed wearing a black cardigan. Layla, a blonde girl between the ages of 19-21 uses her sleeve to wipe her eyes and nose. She puts down the album and picks up some pills and a bottle of alcohol and starts to drink. Layla throws the bottle to the side and turns to pick up a woman’s cardigan and tentatively unfolds it. She runs her hands over the wool material and brings the fabric to her face and starts to inhale the scent. She quietly sobs into the fabric, rocking slowly back and forth. A knock at the door makes Layla look up. She puts the cardigan down on top of the bottle of alcohol and starts to wipe at her face. She looks over at the box and starts to hide the bills and paperwork under a pillow. A quiet voice from behind the door asks to be let in. Layla ignores the voice and stays seated. There is another knock at the door and the voice becomes louder and more frustrated. Layla gets up off the floor and walks toward the bed. She sits on the bed and covers her ears with her hands. Her fingers dig into her head with force and she squeezes her eyes shut. A door opens and Nial a man between the ages of 20-22 walks into the room and sits at the foot of the bed. Nial stares at the Layla then looks around the room. His eyes settle on the photo album, he picks it up and starts to flick through. Nial smiles and starts to talk about the two of them and their mum in the photographs. Layla stays in the same position and ignores him. Nial goes to put the album down and spots some of the bills; he picks them up and scans through them. A frown appears on his face and he screws the paper up. Nial turns to Layla and asks for an explanation. Nial moves towards Layla, which makes her flinch and lean away from him. Nial looks at Layla with a confused expression. He looks at Layla’s arms and notices faint scars on her wrist under her cardigan. Nial reaches out to touch them, but Layla pulls her arm away and turns her head. She mumbles something quietly and tears start to drip down her face. Nial pulls Layla into a hug, she tries to pull away but then gives in. They pull away from each other and he reaches out to wipe away her tears. Nial keeps his hand on Layla’s cheek and looks at her face. Layla looks up to meet Nial’s gaze. Both start to breathe heavily and Layla swallows and bites her lip. They lean into each other slowly, until their foreheads touch lightly. Nial looks pained and conflicted and shifts uncomfortably. Layla looks down and closes her eyes. Nial continues to breathe heavily as Layla takes in a deep breath. The screen goes black.

Thursday 28 October 2010

Fourth Draft


A box full of personal belongings, paperwork and overdue bills sits on the floor. Two hands covered in scratches and cuts; start to dig through the items in the box. The hands pick up an old photo album covered in dust. The album opens up to a picture of a mother and two children, on the next page are baby photos of a boy and a girl. A blonde haired girl between the ages of 19-21, uses her sleeve to wipe her eyes and nose. The girl puts down the album and picks up a bottle of alcohol and starts to drink. She throws the bottle to the side and turns to pick up a woman’s cardigan she tentatively unfolds it. The girl runs her hands over the wool material and brings the fabric to her face and starts to inhale the scent. She quietly sobs into the fabric, rocking slowly back and forth.
A knock at the door makes her look up. She puts the cardigan down on top of the bottle of alcohol and starts to wipe at her face. She gets up from the floor and walks toward the door. She clears her throat and asks “What do you want?”
A voice from behind the door replies in a quiet voice “Its me let me in Layla. We need to talk about the house.” Layla glares at the door and turns around to walk back to her seat on the floor. “Go away! I don’t want you here.”
There is another bang on the door, then another louder bang. “For god sake! Stop being such a child, we need to talk… and I would like to see my little sister.”
Layla picks up the bottle and takes another swig, and swallows some pills. She paces around the room and pulls up the sleeve of her cardigan. She starts to viscously scratch her arm; which is covered with old scars.
“Layla please, I need you, we need to sort this out.” begged the person behind the door. Layla sighs and walks toward the door and opens it.
A man between the ages of 20-22 stands awkwardly in the frame of the door, he walks in and sits on the bed. In his hands he has a couple of with sympathy cards, he places them down on the bed beside him. Layla stands on the other side of the room away from him. He looks down at the photo album and smiles, his smile drops when he looks at the paperwork. He picks up some of the paperwork and bills with a deep frown on his face. “More bills. This is bad we can’t afford it…and an eviction notice, well this is great.”
Layla stares at Nial and sits down next to him. “We? This is nothing to do with you.” Nial stares down at Layla’s arm, where her scars are. He keeps his eyes fixed on her arm “Yes we she was my mum too and no matter what you say I’m staying. From the looks of it you need me too.”
Layla looks down at her uncovered arm and goes to pull her sleeve down. Nial puts his hand out onto her arm to stop her. They both look up at each other at the same time; they gaze at each other for a while. Both start to breathe heavily and Layla swallows and bites her lip. They both lean into each other slowly, and become so close they are almost touching. Layla closes her eyes and takes in one last breath.
Then it goes black.

Friday 22 October 2010

Third Draft

A box full of personal belongings sits on the floor. Two hands start to dig through the box; the hands pick up a photo of a mum with two children. A young woman called Layla stares at the picture in front of her and uses her long sleeve to wipe her eyes and nose.
In the distance there is a banging on the door, the banging continues and a male voice calls out the name “Layla”.
Layla drops the photo. She puts her head in her hands and slightly yanks at her hair. She gets up and walks toward the noise. The door opens and the man from the photo walks in, (Nial) he is holding letters in his hand and gives them to Layla.

Nial: Finally its cold out there.

Layla ignores the letters and Nial walks into the living room. The living room is scattered with empty alcohol bottles. Nial turns around and glares at Layla. And paces the room.

Nial: What have you been doing? I thought you said you were coping and that everything was fine!

Layla turns and walks up the stairs, Nial follows her to the stairs.

Nial: That’s it Layla run away like you always do! God sometimes I wonder why anyone bothers.
Layla: Then go.

Layla walks back into her room and kicks the box full of personal belongings. She paces back and forth, then picks up a bottle of vodka and starts to down it. Layla kneels down and picks up a pair of scissors, she pulls up her sleeve and her arm is covered in old scars.
She puts the blade to her wrist, when she hears the sound of someone crying. She looks toward the door, and opens it.
Nial sits in the hallway his head in his hands.

Nial: I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I just…can’t control it. I miss her I miss mum.

Layla crouches down in front of her brother and puts a hand on his shoulder. Nial looks at her hand.

Nial: I know I’ve been a crap brother and haven’t been around but…

Nial looks at the scars on Laylas arm, he looks up at Layla and she starts to pull her sleeve back down. Nial stops her and grabs her arm; they both look up at each other and stare for a while. Layla bites her lip and swallows. She slowly leans in to Nial, who leans toward her too. They move so close there faces almost touch.
Layla closes her eyes and takes in an audible breath and then it turns black.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Second Draft

An alarm clock that reads 9.00am. The alarm goes off and the sound of beeping fills the silence. A young woman, Layla sits on a bed starring in to the distance; she turns slowly toward the alarm clock and switches it off.
Next to the alarm we see a framed photograph of a man, which is then picked up by Layla who stares at it and then places it back on the side.
She gets off the bed and surveys the room. A dressing table is filled with male cosmetics and there is male clothing on the floor and hung up on doors.
Layla exits the room and walks out in to the corridor. In the distance two muffled voices can be hear, Layla stops on the stairs and listens.

A kitchen, every square inch is full of flowers. A man and a woman sort through cards and flowers.

Man: You do realise this isn’t normal behaviour right? Locking herself in the house isn’t gonna do anyone any good.

The woman turns around to face the man.

Woman: What do you expect Michael? For her to wake up and everything will be right as rain?

Man throws his hands in the air

Man: No that’s not what I’m saying, I just…I just think its ridiculous.
Woman leans back on the counter

Woman: It’s hard for her, I should know. But we all get over these things in our own time.
Starts to fiddle with her wedding ring

Layla sits, position hasn’t changed. She is fiddles with her wedding ring. She gets up from her seat and walks into the kitchen.

The woman turns in shock
Woman: Oh your up. Are you hungry?

Layla stares past the woman toward the man
Layla: That was Ben’s.

The man looks down at the mug and puts it on the side. Layla turns and walks away from the kitchen back up to her room.

Layla looks around the bedroom then starts to put all the male items of clothing and cosmetics into boxes. She picks up leather jacket and hugs it close to her and breathes in the scent of it. She puts the jacket on and goes back to sorting through things. She sees a wrapped present with her name on it. She opens the present to find a picture of herself and the man we saw in the photograph earlier. Attached to the picture is a note that says:

I love you, no matter what x

Layla sits on the bed and stares into the distance. She then goes to her drawers and takes out a load of painkillers. Next we hear the sound of someone calling Layla’s name and then footsteps coming closer.

There is a knock at the door and we hear a woman.

Woman: Layla? Why is the door locked? Layla let me in.
There is no answer so voice repeats this, becoming more worried.
Woman: Layla, open this door right now!
Layla grabs a handful of pills and looks at the door, crying.
Layla: I’m so sorry.
The woman grabs at the door handle trying to pull it open.
Woman: No Layla don’t! Stop messing about and open the door! Layla? Layla!

The screen goes black

Woman cries out in pain.
Then silence.

Thursday 8 July 2010

Initial Idea

My short film is based on the main theme/issue of Teenage pregnancy. There are other surrounding themes of neglect, depression and isolation. The film is based on a 16-year-old girl called Mia, who lives with her mum who suffers from post-natal depression after the birth of her baby brother. Her father died a year ago meaning her mother has to bring up the children alone. Mia hasn’t got a close relationship with her mother, so when she finds out she is pregnant; she keeps it hidden from her and immediately wants an abortion. This is so her own child doesn’t have the same upbringing as she has had.
Mia has no interest in her baby brother and withdraws herself from situations surrounding him. Throughout the film the character of Mia grows and changes, as she becomes responsible to look after her brother and is forced to interact properly with him for the first time. This realisation makes her feel unsure about whether she can go through with the abortion. The film highlights the struggle and emotional pain women go through when considering abortion and whether it is best for them.