Thursday 8 July 2010

Initial Idea

My short film is based on the main theme/issue of Teenage pregnancy. There are other surrounding themes of neglect, depression and isolation. The film is based on a 16-year-old girl called Mia, who lives with her mum who suffers from post-natal depression after the birth of her baby brother. Her father died a year ago meaning her mother has to bring up the children alone. Mia hasn’t got a close relationship with her mother, so when she finds out she is pregnant; she keeps it hidden from her and immediately wants an abortion. This is so her own child doesn’t have the same upbringing as she has had.
Mia has no interest in her baby brother and withdraws herself from situations surrounding him. Throughout the film the character of Mia grows and changes, as she becomes responsible to look after her brother and is forced to interact properly with him for the first time. This realisation makes her feel unsure about whether she can go through with the abortion. The film highlights the struggle and emotional pain women go through when considering abortion and whether it is best for them.

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