Friday 22 October 2010

Third Draft

A box full of personal belongings sits on the floor. Two hands start to dig through the box; the hands pick up a photo of a mum with two children. A young woman called Layla stares at the picture in front of her and uses her long sleeve to wipe her eyes and nose.
In the distance there is a banging on the door, the banging continues and a male voice calls out the name “Layla”.
Layla drops the photo. She puts her head in her hands and slightly yanks at her hair. She gets up and walks toward the noise. The door opens and the man from the photo walks in, (Nial) he is holding letters in his hand and gives them to Layla.

Nial: Finally its cold out there.

Layla ignores the letters and Nial walks into the living room. The living room is scattered with empty alcohol bottles. Nial turns around and glares at Layla. And paces the room.

Nial: What have you been doing? I thought you said you were coping and that everything was fine!

Layla turns and walks up the stairs, Nial follows her to the stairs.

Nial: That’s it Layla run away like you always do! God sometimes I wonder why anyone bothers.
Layla: Then go.

Layla walks back into her room and kicks the box full of personal belongings. She paces back and forth, then picks up a bottle of vodka and starts to down it. Layla kneels down and picks up a pair of scissors, she pulls up her sleeve and her arm is covered in old scars.
She puts the blade to her wrist, when she hears the sound of someone crying. She looks toward the door, and opens it.
Nial sits in the hallway his head in his hands.

Nial: I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I just…can’t control it. I miss her I miss mum.

Layla crouches down in front of her brother and puts a hand on his shoulder. Nial looks at her hand.

Nial: I know I’ve been a crap brother and haven’t been around but…

Nial looks at the scars on Laylas arm, he looks up at Layla and she starts to pull her sleeve back down. Nial stops her and grabs her arm; they both look up at each other and stare for a while. Layla bites her lip and swallows. She slowly leans in to Nial, who leans toward her too. They move so close there faces almost touch.
Layla closes her eyes and takes in an audible breath and then it turns black.

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