Tuesday 19 October 2010

Second Draft

An alarm clock that reads 9.00am. The alarm goes off and the sound of beeping fills the silence. A young woman, Layla sits on a bed starring in to the distance; she turns slowly toward the alarm clock and switches it off.
Next to the alarm we see a framed photograph of a man, which is then picked up by Layla who stares at it and then places it back on the side.
She gets off the bed and surveys the room. A dressing table is filled with male cosmetics and there is male clothing on the floor and hung up on doors.
Layla exits the room and walks out in to the corridor. In the distance two muffled voices can be hear, Layla stops on the stairs and listens.

A kitchen, every square inch is full of flowers. A man and a woman sort through cards and flowers.

Man: You do realise this isn’t normal behaviour right? Locking herself in the house isn’t gonna do anyone any good.

The woman turns around to face the man.

Woman: What do you expect Michael? For her to wake up and everything will be right as rain?

Man throws his hands in the air

Man: No that’s not what I’m saying, I just…I just think its ridiculous.
Woman leans back on the counter

Woman: It’s hard for her, I should know. But we all get over these things in our own time.
Starts to fiddle with her wedding ring

Layla sits, position hasn’t changed. She is fiddles with her wedding ring. She gets up from her seat and walks into the kitchen.

The woman turns in shock
Woman: Oh your up. Are you hungry?

Layla stares past the woman toward the man
Layla: That was Ben’s.

The man looks down at the mug and puts it on the side. Layla turns and walks away from the kitchen back up to her room.

Layla looks around the bedroom then starts to put all the male items of clothing and cosmetics into boxes. She picks up leather jacket and hugs it close to her and breathes in the scent of it. She puts the jacket on and goes back to sorting through things. She sees a wrapped present with her name on it. She opens the present to find a picture of herself and the man we saw in the photograph earlier. Attached to the picture is a note that says:

I love you, no matter what x

Layla sits on the bed and stares into the distance. She then goes to her drawers and takes out a load of painkillers. Next we hear the sound of someone calling Layla’s name and then footsteps coming closer.

There is a knock at the door and we hear a woman.

Woman: Layla? Why is the door locked? Layla let me in.
There is no answer so voice repeats this, becoming more worried.
Woman: Layla, open this door right now!
Layla grabs a handful of pills and looks at the door, crying.
Layla: I’m so sorry.
The woman grabs at the door handle trying to pull it open.
Woman: No Layla don’t! Stop messing about and open the door! Layla? Layla!

The screen goes black

Woman cries out in pain.
Then silence.

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